Journal indexed in CEEOL, EBSCO, and Index Copernicus
Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu | p. 7–16

Two Mid-18th-Century Boyar Collaborators of Putna Monastery: Boundary Settlers Vasile Buhăescul and Lupu Hadâmbul


Metropolitan Jacob of Putna’s accomplishments both during his leadership as a hierarch and after his retirement at Putna relied on a number of collaborators, undoubtedly chosen from among the best and most trustworthy ones. Two actions were needed in order to accomplish the goal of making a register with all of Putna’s documents: rummaging through the monastery archive and putting in order all property documents. Archimandrite Vartolomei Mazereanu was entrusted with the task. He postponed the making of the register until all litigations regarding the boundaries of some of the estates would be solved. Boundary settlement, which also involved settlement of some decade-long conflicts with the neighbors, was a long-term and costly procedure of great responsibility. This whole process, which unfolded between September and November 1761, was delegated to Cupbearer Vasile Buhăescul and Gate Palatine Lupu Hadâmbul. They were purposefully selected for the task, according to their prosopographies. They were among the most well-known and sought-after boundary settlers of their time. The two prosopographic studies offered the opportunity to reconstitute the profile of professional boundary settlers in the mid-18th century. These two collaborators of Putna delivered the expected results and the decisions based on their expertise were deservedly added to the property register of the monastery.


18th century, boundary settler, Lupu Hadâmbul, prosopography, Putna Monastery, Vasile Buhăescul

Article from the journal
The Annals of Putna, XVIII, 2022, 2

The cover of the journal The Annals of Putna, XVIII, 2022, 2