This article presents the flag of the Romanian Maidens from Crișana offered at the Putna 1871 Celebration. It is made of flag and flagpole. The flag is made of three silk-fabric stripes stitched together into a rectangle (1.84 × 1.23 m). The colors are horizontally displayed, with red in the upper part, yellow in the middle and blue in the lower part. Each of the differently-colored stripes has an outward-pointing shape on the flying end, decorated with a yellow tassel. The flag margins are adorned with golden fringes. One side of the golden stripe displays the following inscription: THE ROMANIAN MAIDENS of CRISIANA. On the other side of the device must have been placed the emblem of the Crișana region and the motto: “Culture is the power of peoples”. The flagpole is made of wood and is 3.47-meter long, ending with a crucifix-shaped metal globe.
Crișana, flag, flagpole, Putna, the Romanian Maidens