The chronicle of Dragomirna Monastery starts in legendary times. The first monograph of the monastery written by Abbot Ipolit Vorobchievici is the first written source which credits oral anecdotes transmitted within the Dragomirna monastic community.
Most of the "false traditions” refer to the first years of this worship place built in a "heavenly spot” and to the life of its founder.
As there are no documents for a complete biography of Metropolitan Anastasie Crimca, people gave meaning to the events in the life of the scholarly founder through different legends which turned his life into hagiography. Each moment in the life of the future metropolitan, from childhood to ordainment, to monastic vows, to the founding of the monastery and to his demise were shrouded in the apparel of truth based on the mind frame of the medieval man.
His most important foundation – the church of Dragomirna Monastery – did not escape fantasy, the date of its founding, the architect, the painting of the frescoes and their dating having been shrouded in legend.
The legends of Dragomirna Monastery are weaved with real historical events in a living recount of the past. Generally, people accept truth with difficulty and consciously choosing instead the phantasms and twisting of the truth. Truth often seems too commonplace. A simple explanation through many anecdotes will be received easier than a realistic and evidence-supported explanation.
artistic founder, collective imaginary, Dragomirna Monastery, false traditions, legendary architect, the metropolitan’s curse