XVI, 2020, 1
Alice Isabella Sullivan
Liviu Cîmpeanu
Liviu Pilat
Ovidiu Cristea
Ștefan S. Gorovei
Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu
Vera Tchentsova
Stavrophore Maria Magdalena Gherghina
Cristian Antim Bobicescu
Ștefan Andreescu
Olimpia Mitric
Anna Eliseeva
Alessandro Flavio Dumitrașcu
Alexandru Pascal
Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu
Alexandru Molcosean
Moldavian Embroideries and Byzantine Artistic Traditions
Liviu Cîmpeanu
John Hunyadi’s Relations with Wallachia and Moldavia, 1442−1456. A Revaluation (II)
Liviu Pilat
The anti-Ottoman War, the Moldavian-Polish Peace Treaty and the Problem of Pokucya (1498–1499)
Ovidiu Cristea
Omnes enim in eadem navi sumus: Venice, Moldavia and the anti-Ottoman War
Ștefan S. Gorovei
Étienne le Grand, son pays, ses hommes. Réflexions contrariées
Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu
A Panaghiar from Ștefan Tomșa for the Solca Monastery
Vera Tchentsova
Exile as Final Resting Place: Metropolitan Dositheus (Dosoftei) Barilă in Stryi
Stavrophore Maria Magdalena Gherghina
From the Treasure of Legends and Stories Surrounding Dragomirna Monastery
Cristian Antim Bobicescu
In the Footsteps of Stephen the Great: Ieremia Movilă in Search of a Connection with the King of Poland (1591–1603)
Ștefan Andreescu
Bishop Benedict “of the Land of Moldavia”
Olimpia Mitric
Sur «le feu détruisant» du Monastère Sucevița (1831). Une nouvelle source documentaire
Anna Eliseeva
Deux Anthologies de chant du monastère de Putna: nouvelles découvertes dans les archives du Musée Historique d’Etat de Moscou
Alessandro Flavio Dumitrașcu
New Sources about the Export of Cereals of the Romanian Principalities in the 15th Century
Alexandru Pascal
The Letter of the Great Princess of Moscow Elena Stefanovna (Voloshanka) to Her Father, Stephen III (the Great) Prince of Moldavia: New Research Aspects
Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu
A Late Chronograph, Stephen “the Brave” and Bogdan Aleksandrovich
Alexandru Molcosean