The extant documentary information for the part of Moldavia between Prut and Dniester rivers in the 15th century made possible a global overview of the situation of this region in that century (Appendix). Out of the 850 documents issued by the chancery of Moldavia in the 15th century, over a third refer to situations, realities and personages directly involved in the (social, political, economic, religious etc.) life of that region.
Several conclusions surfaced, which apply to the whole of Moldavia: the mention of a certain locality implies its existence before the mentioned date; there were landowners who possessed villages both on the left and right of Prut River; some places were individualized by certain remarks (the presence of certain houses, courts, the names of certain local dignitaries); the documents provide information about the size of the territory of a village; there are documents of donation to some of the oldest monasteries in Moldavia; there is proof of the rising of a new category of boyars with large possessions in the second half of the 15th century as well as confirmation of the preservation of the large land properties from the first quarter of the century; the time of Stephen the Great brings along the stabilization of property.
This documentary information invites one to undergo a systematical archaeological investigation which would lead to valuable insights into the medieval history of Romania and of the Republic of Moldova.
church, Dniester, Prut, residence, village