The present study investigates the possible identity between Filotheus, Bishop of Roman (1600) and Huși (1605–1607), and hegumen Filotheus of Putna, whose name appears on a page of a Gospel Book from the time of Ieremia Movilă. The author carefully analyzes the biographical intertwining between the two characters, using the diptychs of Putna Monastery and the singularity of this name among the hierarchs of the Church of Moldavia, and concludes that there is only one Filotheus, who was the hegumen of Putna (before 1597) and Galata (1597), then Bishop of Roman (1600) and Huși (1605–1607). The study also discusses the canonicity of the election of Filotheus as a bishop during the reign of Michael the Brave, i.e. a time of political crisis, arguing for its validity, irrespective of the Movilești’s view of the matter and the relation between the latter and Filotheus from later on.
1600, 1605, 1607, Bishop of Huși, Bishop of Roman, Filotheus, Galata, hegumen, Putna