Archimandrite Ghenadie Platenchi (1769–1843) was a teacher at the Clerical School from Cernăuți (1789–1799), hegumen of Sucevița Monastery (1799–1818), parish priest in Sucevița village (1818–1826) and hegumen of Putna Monastery (1826–1837). He was dearly remembered by the scholar priest Iraclie Porumbescu (1823–1896), since Ghenadie Platenchi was the one who taught him in his early childhood at Putna Monastery. Later, lacking financial resources, it was again Ghenadie Platenchi the one who supported Iraclie both morally and financially, to attend the primary school from Karslberg, the normal school from Suceava and the Clerical School from Cernăuți. Ghenadie Platenchi inspired the young Iraclie with the love for learning and with deep patriotic feelings. As a token of gratitude, when the latter was parish priest in Șipotele Sucevei village, he erected a monumental stone cross on the grave of archimandrite Ghenadie. On it one reads: "This monument was erected by the parish priest of Șipote Iraclie as a sign of deep gratitude to his caretaker and benefactor, who rests here”.
biography, education, Ghenadie Platenchi, grave, Iraclie Porumbescu