Reconstructing the history of a worship place always brings the question about its benefactors, i.e. those who, over time, contributed to the welfare of the place asking in return to be commemorated at the holy services. Historical sources constantly bring to light the names of these benefactors, characters more or less known today and belonging to all social categories. Our analysis has the purpose to discover, after a thorough prosopographical investigation, the life and activity of some of the less prominent benefactors of Putna Monastery, who lived in the 17th and 18th centuries: Ilie Gociul, Grigorie Pelin, brothers Isac and Gheorghe Goian, Gheorghiță Apostol and Grigore Hăjdău.
Gheorghiță Apostol, Gociu family, Goian family, Hăjdău family, Pelin family, prosopography, Putna Monastery