The present study provides the specialists in the epoch of Stephen the Great (1457–1504) with a fragment from the elaborated chronicle of Yusuf bin Abdullah about Sultan Mehmed II (1451–1481) summer of 1476 campaign. The author outlined several peculiarities of Yusuf’s naration, which make it different from the other Osman chronicles. A faithful of Islam, Yusuf dubbed the Moldavian voievode as „faithless” (bi‑din), but, on the other hand, this narator is the only one from the group of the Turkish chroniclers who resembled the strong resistance of Stephen’s Moldavians to the strength of the wall built by Alexander the Great, who appears in the muslim mythology as Iskender. Through this metaphore Yusuf tried to sweeten the bitter taste of Mehmed’s defeat. In the appendix the author provides the translation of folios 90 and 91 from Yusuf’s manuscript, a work discovered by chance.
Mehmed the Conqueror, Moldavia, Ottoman Empire, Stephen the Great, Yusuf